From: Rachel Cole <>
Subject: The question my clients are chewing on...

Hi Jill,

Do you ever find yourself holding back from naming what you're hungry for because if you did then you'd have to do something about it and that feels like work, being too needy, or just impossible?

Sometimes the overwhelm or fear of taking action on a hunger can be so big that we unconsciously block out the hunger itself. 

If you identify with this you're not alone.

Over the decade+ I've been doing this work I see this "pressure to take action blocks hunger awareness/naming" dynamic all.the.time.

So today I wanted to offer a workaround. A question you can noodle on this week as you're waiting at a stop light or sipping your coffee in the morning. 

If I didn't need to take any action (maybe if action was prohibited), the hunger I would admit to having is:

Believe it or not, there is so much power is just naming our hungers. It's its own unique and important step. 

Once you can name a hunger you can just allow it to be there.

You can simply speak to it (yes, really).

You can say "I don't know how to feed you yet, but I see you and I care." or "I feel scared to move towards you, but I recognize and validate you." 

Give it a go if this calls to you. I'd love to hear what hungers you're not ready or able to move toward -- hit reply and let me know.

Food for thoughts. Be gentle with yourself,


P.S. I'm offering two new Intuitive Eating Mentorship Circles beginning in June. If you'd like to spend the summer with me and some kind fellow travelers do apply. We start June 11th and 15th. 

P.P.S. I have some interest in a second Fat Talk Book Club + Coaching. If you've been listening to Virginia Sole-Smith on podcasts this week or seen her book make the New York Times best-seller list I can tell you that it's been AMAZING to offer this book club + coaching. You can apply to join here.

Whats Feeding Me

This pasta shape

Finding episodes of Portrait Artist of the Year on YouTube

FINALLY getting the drip irrigation system in the garden and putting in summer tomatoes!

Taking my kid to the orchestra for the first time

Doing another round of avocado pit dying

Fat Talk

Simple, satisfying adulting

Planning a summer getaway with Dacy

Jill, what's feeding you?